Contact information

You can reach me before school, during my prep period, after school, or by appointment.


Phone: Paris Cooperative High School 466-1175

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Something new I am trying with my juniors is Glogster.  They are required to give a presentation on an American author who has written something in the past 50 years.  Instead of them standing in the front of the room and boring everyone to death, I decided to include a creative element.  Glogster is basically an online poster that students can make their own as much as they want.  If you are interested in what it is, the web address is  My glog is on the homepage of my blog.  It gives students a chance to be as creative as they want.  The only thing stopping them is their imagination. I hope to include a few of the really good Glogs on here once students start presenting so be sure to check back for what the newest Glog might be.